Lesson 1.0: Understanding CPC and CPM

1. 요약

CPM : Cost Per 1000 iMpressions

천 번 클릭 할 때 주는 비용.

RPM : Revenue Per 1000 iMpression

천 번 클릭 할 때의 수익.

구글 애드센스에서만 있는 개념.

CPC : Cost Per Click

클릭할 때 마다의 비용.

위 세 가지가 기본 광고 개념이고 아래 두 가지는 떠오르는 신상이라고 합니다.

CPE : Cost Per Engagement

클릭 후 뭔가의 액션을 할 때.

Active View CPM : 1000 viewable impression

유효 클릭에 대해서만 지급하는 것을 의미하는 것 같습니다.

2. 아래 영상 및 스크립트

0:00Welcome to Unit 1: Understanding CPC

0:03and CPM. The world of online advertising is filled with acronyms.

0:08CPC, CPM, RPM... the list goes on.

0:12While these acronyms represent important metrics, it can be hard to know where to start

0:17when it comes to increasing these values and, ultimately, increasing your revenue.

0:21It's also the case that many of the common acronyms used in the online advertising industry

0:26can sometimes mean different things depending on the context and the usage,

0:30which can be really confusing. Let's walk through the most important ones right now,

0:35starting with CPM. CPM stands for cost per 1000 impressions.

0:40From the advertiser's perspective, CPM refers to the price

0:44they're willing to pay to serve one thousand impressions of their ad.

0:47So in the AdSense auction if an advertiser bids

0:51a CPM of two dollars, this means he or she is willing to pay

0:54two dollars for every thousand times the ad appears to a user.

0:58You may have noticed that there are no CPM values in your AdSense reporting.

1:02In AdSense performance reports, we use the acronym

1:06RPM, which stands for revenue per 1000 impressions.

1:10Since ads are not displayed in even bundles of one thousand impressions

1:14all impressions served on your site, regardless of the bid type,

1:18are combined and averaged in your reporting to show your affective revenue

1:22per 1000 impressions, or RPM.

1:24To recap, RPM is an AdSense-only term used to report your impression-based revenue.

1:30CPM is an industry-wide term

1:33that refers to impression-based bids from advertisers.

1:36The next acronym to know is CPC.

1:39CPC stands for cost-per-click. The cost-per-click

1:44is the price an advertiser pays each time a user clicks on an ad.

1:48In your reporting, CPC metrics show the revenue you receive

1:52each time a user clicks on an ad on your site. There are also two new bid types

1:57that will become increasingly popular down the road.

2:00The first is CPE or cost per engagement.

2:04With engagement ads, the advertiser pays only when a user interacts with the ad

2:09in a particular way beyond just clicking on it. These ads are largely video

2:13and rich media ads. The other new bidding metric

2:17is active view CPM. With active view CPM bidding,

2:21advertisers bid on one thousand viewable impressions

2:24and only pay for impressions that are measured as viewable.

2:27That is when at least 50 percent of the ad is displayed on screen

2:31for at least one second. As these new bidding types become more common,

2:35we will continue to provide more information on them,

2:38including in your AdSense reporting.

2:40In this unit, we'll focus on the changes you can make

2:44to your ad set-up to attract higher-paying ads from advertisers.

2:48We will cover the various settings for your ads and your AdSense account

2:52that could have had direct impact on your ad unit CPM and CPC.

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구글 애드센스 홈페이지에 가니 동영상 가이드가 있네요.

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유투브 바로가기가 나오네요.

목차는 아래와 같습니다.


Introducing Optimizing AdSense



Welcome to Optimizing AdSense



Lesson 1.0: Understanding CPC and CPM



Lesson 1.1: Choosing ad types



Lesson 1.2: Selecting ad sizes



Lesson 1.3: Allowing and blocking ads



Lesson 1.4: Creating custom channels



Lesson 1.5: Performing A/B tests



Lesson 2.0: Understanding CTR



Lesson 2.1: Improving ad location



Lesson 2.2: Choosing ad colors and styles



Lesson 3.0: Understanding impressions



Lesson 3.1: Key players and the auction



Lesson 3.2: Understanding ad targeting



Lesson 3.3: Increasing ad coverage



Lesson 3.4: Improving page speed



Lesson 3.5: Fixing crawler errors & rejected ad requests



Lesson 4.0: Exploring other Google products

천천히 하나씩 보면서 요약을 해 봐야 겠습니다.

오늘도 행복한 하루 보내시길 바랍니다.

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