삼성노트 앱을 멀티기기에서 같은노트를 볼 때 치명적인 버그발견하고 커뮤니티에 제보...

삼성전자 홈페이지 갤럭시탭 커뮤니티



삼성노트 앱에 들어있는 같은 노트문서를 아래 세가지 기기에서 같이 보고 있습니다.

   1) 갤럭시탭s7+

   2) 갤럭시노트10+

   3) 갤럭시북 윈도우 PC


(예시)  탭s7에서 삼성노트 네번째 페이지를 쓰면서

두번째페이지의 내용을 pc에 띄우고

세번째페이지의 내용을 폰에서 띄워 함께 보는중



탭s7에서 필기 획을 하나 그으면, 

갤럭시노트 삼성노트에 반영되는건 18초~22초 걸리고,

pc 삼성노트에 반영은  25초~33초 걸립니다.



가장 큰 문제는! pc 삼성노트는 동기화 하면서 노트를 대놓고 티나게 새로고침합니다.

노트목록으로 나가버리거나 첫페이지로 이동해버립니다. 

갤노트에서는 이현상은 없습니다. 보던페이지 그대로 보면서 추가획만 생깁니다.

pc에서 작성중인 노트의 다른페이지 띄워놓고 볼 수가 없어요. 노트만들고 공부하는 입장에서는 이게 정말 중요한데...


#동기화 딜레이 시간

시간은 업데이트 하고 계신지 모르겠습니다만...

수동 동기화라도 누르면 쨕쨕 업데이트되는 에버노트나

알아서 빨리되는 원노트

아님 완벽한 실시간 되는 웹 베이스 노트들 등등

노션처럼 자료가 서버저장되는 방식이면 공유 후 수정도 될테고 대 환영...

사실 이미 구현된 기술들인데...

30초대 동기화에 로컬저장은 정말 안습이네요 ㅠ

저 아이패드프로4 버리고 왔어요.. 책임지세요...ㅠ





ps. 혹시 이 글이 유용하셨다면

아래 그림 클릭 > 쿠팡 접속하셔서

평소 필요하셨던 아무거나 구매하시면

블로그 운영에 작은 도움이 됩니다 :p 

(구매가격은 완전 동일해요!)


-진짜 끝-


일반적으로 Windows 시계는 신경 안써도 알아서 잘 맞습니다.

그리고 일주일에 한 번 인터넷 시간과 동기화 해서 보정됩니다.


그런데 이게 안 맞는 컴퓨터가 종종 있습니다 -_-; 


인터넷에 있는 여러가지 오만 방법들 다 써봐도 안됩니다..

윈도우 재설치 해도 똑같습니다 ㅠ 왜그렇죠.


포기하려다가 이 두 프로그램 설치하고 해결했습니다.




Atomic Clock Sync


둘 다 무료프로그램이고

전 이중 더 가벼워 보이고 윈도우 자체기능을 간편하게 구현한 Atomic Clock Sync를 사용합니다.


이 프로그램을 사용하면 PC의 시간을 미국의 NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)에서 관리하는 원자 시간 서버와 자동으로 동기화 할 수 있습니다. 


다운로드 된 Atomic.exe 파일을 두 번 클릭 하여 프로그램을 실행합니다. 설치할 필요가 없습니다.


날짜 및 시간 설정을 조정해야하는 경우 현재 설정  에서 변경  클릭 합니다 .

윈도우 기본 날짜 및 시간 대화 상자가 뜹니다.

 사용하여 필요에 따라 날짜 및 시간  변경 하거나 시간대를 변경 합니다.


PC의 시계가 동기화되는 빈도를 지정하려면 동기화 간격 탭을 클릭 하십시오.

기본 간격은 1 주인 604,800 초입니다. 드롭 다운 목록을 사용하여 간격 유형 (초, 분, 시간 또는 일)을 선택합니다. 드롭 다운 목록 왼쪽에있는 상자에 해당 간격의 숫자를 입력합니다. 그런 다음 적용을 클릭 합니다.

예를 들어 간격을 1시간으로 변경했습니다. (너무 데여서 ㅋㅋ)


지금 동기화 를 클릭하여 시계를 수동으로 동기화 할 수도 있습니다만 굳이...


Repair Service 탭으로 윈도우 커맨드창에서 손으로 쳐야 하는 내용을 쉽게 넣을 수 있습니다.





그래도 시간이 안맞다면..

맨 아래에 Advanced time-server trouble shooting을 눌러보면 상세한 추가안내창이 뜹니다.

Solutions for Windows Time Service (W32Time) Problems Atomic Clock Sync features the capability to repair the Windows Time Service in by stopping, unregistering, registering and restarting the service. Unfortunately, there is a potential problem that has b


다들 굿 럭!




ps. 혹시 이 글이 유용하셨다면

아래 그림으로 쿠팡 접속하셔서 평소 필요하셨던 아무거나 구매하시면 블로그 운영에 작은 도움이 됩니다 :p 

(구매가격은 완전 동일해요!)



윈도우아이콘 우클릭 > Windows PowerShell(관리자) 일단 실행해서


아래 텍스트 쭉 복사-붙여넣기 하시면, 쓸데없는 기본 프로그램들 모두 삭제됩니다.

get-appxpackage *3d* | remove-appxpackage
get-AppxPackage *zunemusic* | Remove-AppxPackage
get-appxpackage *heifimageextension* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *drive* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *solitaire* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *windowsstore* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *photos* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *holographic* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *officehub* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *onenote* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *print3d* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *skypeapp* | remove-appxpackage)
get-appxpackage *sticky* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *webpImageextension* | remove-appxpackage
get-AppxPackage *xboxapp* | Remove-AppxPackage
get-appxpackage *calculator* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *mspaint* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *bingweather* | remove-appxpackage
get-AppxPackage *gethelp* | Remove-AppxPackage
get-appxpackage *messaging* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *communicationsapps* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *oneconnect* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *phone* | remove-appxpackage
get-AppxPackage *windowsalarms* | Remove-AppxPackage
get-appxpackage *zunevideo* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *webmediaextensions* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *soundrecorder* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *windowsmaps* | Remove-AppxPackage
get-appxpackage *camera* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *screensketch* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *getstarted* | remove-appxpackage
get-appxpackage *feedback* | remove-appxpackage
get-AppxPackage *people* | Remove-AppxPackage


골라서 삭제하고싶으시다면, 아래 순서대로 나온 이름에서 한줄씩 빼서 복붙!

3D 뷰어

get-appxpackage *3d* | remove-appxpackage

Groove 음악

get-AppxPackage *zunemusic* | Remove-AppxPackage

HEIF 이미지 확장

get-appxpackage *heifimageextension* | remove-appxpackage

Microsoft OneDrive

get-appxpackage *drive* | remove-appxpackage

Microsoft Solitaire Collection

get-appxpackage *solitaire* | remove-appxpackage

Microsoft Store

get-appxpackage *windowsstore* | remove-appxpackage

Microsoft 사진

get-appxpackage *photos* | remove-appxpackage

Mixed Reality 포털

get-appxpackage *holographic* | remove-appxpackage


get-appxpackage *officehub* | remove-appxpackage


get-appxpackage *onenote* | remove-appxpackage

Print 3D

get-appxpackage *print3d* | remove-appxpackage


get-appxpackage *skypeapp* | remove-appxpackage)

Sticky Note

get-appxpackage *sticky* | remove-appxpackage

Webp 이미지 확장

get-appxpackage *webpImageextension* | remove-appxpackage

Xbox 관련

get-AppxPackage *xboxapp* | Remove-AppxPackage


get-appxpackage *calculator* | remove-appxpackage

그림판 3D

get-appxpackage *mspaint* | remove-appxpackage


get-appxpackage *bingweather* | remove-appxpackage


get-AppxPackage *gethelp* | Remove-AppxPackage


get-appxpackage *messaging* | remove-appxpackage

메일 일정

get-appxpackage *communicationsapps* | remove-appxpackage

모바일 요금제

get-appxpackage *oneconnect* | remove-appxpackage

사용자 휴대폰

get-appxpackage *phone* | remove-appxpackage

알람 시계

get-AppxPackage *windowsalarms* | Remove-AppxPackage

영화 TV

get-appxpackage *zunevideo* | remove-appxpackage

미디어 확장

get-appxpackage *webmediaextensions* | remove-appxpackage

음성 녹음기

get-appxpackage *soundrecorder* | remove-appxpackage


get-appxpackage *windowsmaps* | Remove-AppxPackage


get-appxpackage *camera* | remove-appxpackage

캡처 스케치

get-appxpackage *screensketch* | remove-appxpackage

get-appxpackage *getstarted* | remove-appxpackage

피드백 허브

get-appxpackage *feedback* | remove-appxpackage


get-AppxPackage *people* | Remove-AppxPackage





ps. 혹시 이 글이 유용하셨다면

아래 그림으로 쿠팡 접속하셔서 평소 필요하셨던 아무거나 구매하시면 블로그 운영에 작은 도움이 됩니다 :p 

(구매가격은 완전 동일해요!)






으.... 폴더 열때마다 보이는 저 트래쉬들...ㅠ


보통 이 키워드로 검색을 하면,

레지스트리 주소찾아들어가서 키값을 바꾸거나 삭제하는 방법을 권유하는데,


그냥 간단하게 타자 몇번만 쳐서 모두 삭제하는 방법을 알려 드립니다.


윈도우 검색창에 "cmd" 라고 치면 나오는 명령프롬프트를 관리자권한으로 실행해서,


텍스트로 아래 상자 텍스트 그대로 그냥 복사-붙여넣기하면, 해당 폴더들이 순식간에 없어집니다.


*한글무시하고 그냥 넣으셔도 되긴 합니다.

(한글은 cmd에서 인식못하니 이런게 뜨긴 함 '3D개체' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.)

1 사진
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\{24ad3ad4-a569-4530-98e1-ab02f9417aa8}" /f

2 음악
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\{3dfdf296-dbec-4fb4-81d1-6a3438bcf4de}" /f

3 문서
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\{d3162b92-9365-467a-956b-92703aca08af}" /f

4 동영상
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\{f86fa3ab-70d2-4fc7-9c99-fcbf05467f3a}" /f

5 3D개체
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\{0DB7E03F-FC29-4DC6-9020-FF41B59E513A}" /f

6 다운로드
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\{088e3905-0323-4b02-9826-5d99428e115f}" /f

7 바탕화면
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\{B4BFCC3A-DB2C-424C-B029-7FE99A87C641}" /f


6 다운로드랑 7 바탕화면 두개 빼고 실행한 화면



이 방법은 내PC 눌렀을 때 보이는 폴더만 없어집니다 ㅠㅠ

왼쪽 트리에 보면 여전히 저놈에 폴더들이 흑흑.....


Quick access에서 삭제해주면 사라짐...



ps. 레지스트리 주소는 아래 마이크로소프트 커뮤니티에 올라온 글 참조함.





ps. 혹시 이 글이 유용하셨다면

아래 그림으로 쿠팡 접속하셔서 평소 필요하셨던 아무거나 구매하시면 블로그 운영에 작은 도움이 됩니다 :p 

(구매가격은 완전 동일해요!)




논문을 많이 다운 받아놨는데, PDF 파일에 미리보기가 안되서 일일이 열어서 파일을 확인하고 있는 내가 한심해서 찾아보게 되었다.


이것을 해결하는 방법에는 크게 보면 두 가지가 있는데,



  1. Adobe acrobat Pro DC 최신버젼 업데이트 


  2. 별도 사설 프로그램을 설치



1번부터 찾아봤다.


Windows 탐색기에서 PDF의 축소판 미리 보기 활성화 관련 adobe 사용안내서에 따르면,


Acrobat XI 및 Reader XI의 경우, PDF의 축소판은 Windows 32비트 시스템에서 Windows 탐색기에 자동으로 표시됩니다. 하지만 같은 기능은 Windows 64비트 시스템에서 지원되지 않습니다.


그렇다. 내 경우는 64비트 시스템이라서 안보이는 것이다. 








위 사용안내서를 보니 그냥 이렇게 두 번만 클릭 클릭 하면 설정이 된다는데 


1. Acrobat DC 또는 Acrobat Reader DC를 엽니다. 편집 메뉴에서 환경 설정을 선택합니다.

2. [환경 설정] 대화 상자의 [범주] 목록에서 일반을 선택하고 Windows Explorer에서 PDF 축소판 미리 보기 활성화 확인란을 선택합니다.


난 저게 안보였다. 





그렇다. 최신버젼으로 사용하는 곳은 잘 없다.

보통 학교나 기업에서는 PDF 파일 수정용으로 Adobe acrobat Pro를 사용하고 있는데, 라이센스 비용 절감을 목적으로 최신버젼까지 쓰지 않고, 업데이트도 제한이 걸려있다.


이제 남은건 2번.



  1. Adobe acrobat Pro DC 최신버젼 업데이트 


  2. 별도 사설 프로그램을 설치



2번의 경우는 왠지 껄끄럽다. 불필요한 프로그램을 굳이 많이 설치를 한다는 것은 윈도우를 복잡하게 만든다는 것이기 때문이다.


그래서 생각한 방법은,


# Adobe acrobat READER DC 설치!

여기 들어가서 무료판을 다운 받는다.


그리고 설정에 들어가서 윈도우 탐색기에서 썸네일 미리보기 셋팅을 보니 역시나... 있다. ㅋ

Windows 탐색에서 PDF 썸네일 미리보기 사용 !!!

맨 아래 Windows 탐색에서 PDF 썸네일 미리보기 사용!



이렇게 미리보기 안되던 PDF 파일들이,




이렇게 바꼈구나 음하하.




그리고 이건 보너스!

Adobe acrobat READER DC 에 주석기능이 들어있었다. 

이제 설계 markup 남길때 굳이 pro 버젼이 필요없을 것 같다.


탭 기능도 새로 생긴 것 같다. 최신 무료버젼이 예전 Pro보다 더 좋은데?

Adobe acrobat PRO DC 주석 달때 글자크기 조절이 안되서 답답했었는데, 이제는 지원하는구나. (무료버젼인데도 불구하고.)






쿠팡 아크로벳 프로를 쿠팡에서 19700원에 살 수 있더라구요


(아래 캡쳐 클릭!!!)

Adobe CC 2020 어도비 어크로벳 프로 DC Acrobat Pro DC, 어크로벳 2020 구입 즉시 1초 이메일 자동발송





위에 쿠팡사진 들어가서 아무거나 구매해주시면 쿠팡파트너스 활동 수익이 생겨 블로그 운영에 도움이 됩니다 :)







Adobe CC 2020 어도비 어크로벳 프로 DC Acrobat Pro DC, 어크로벳 2020 구입 즉시 1초 이메일 자동발송Adobe CC 2020 어도비 어크로벳 프로 DC Acrobat Pro DC, 어크로벳 2020 구입 즉시 1초 이메일 자동발송


파이어폭스를 써야 하는 이유는 구글링 하면 많이 나오지만,

블로그를 쓰는데 가장 큰 이유는,


티스토리 포스팅을 할 때 (네이버 블로그는 되는지 모르겠다)

캡쳐한 이미지를 그냥 cntr+v 붙여넣기로 넣을 수 있는 점이지! ㅋ 이거 완전 꿀기능인데.. 검색해보면 별도로 코딩해서 프로그램 만드신 분이나, 그냥 그림파일로 만들어서 올리는 분들 얘기만 나온다.


여튼 그래서 파이어폭스를 다시 쓰게 됐는데, 크롬에 몇년간 쌓아놓은 즐겨찾기들을 활용하고 싶은데...

예전에 가끔 썼었던 xmarks라는 즐겨찾기 동기화 툴이 지금은 업데이트가 되고 있지 않다고 한다.


대안을 찾던 중,

크롬 ↔ 파이어폭스 간에 완벽하게 자동 싱크되는 확장프로그램 애드온을 찾았다.

바로 EverSync!


1 일단 크롬에서 EverSync확장프로그램 설치하고,



2 파이어폭스에도 EverSync애드온을 설치하고,

3 각각 같은 계정으로 로그인을 하고 애드온 아이콘에서.

Start Sync 누르면

창이 하나 뜨는데, 여기서 merge upload download 요걸 입맛에 맞게 눌러 줘야 싱크가 된다.


이부분이 아쉬움.

드랍박스처럼 자동 양방향 동기화 까지는 아직 안되는 듯. pro에선 되려나?




시간관리의 결정판! 꽉찬 구글 캘린더 시간표를 이용해서 시간낭비 없이 집중하는 방법 (동영상 포함)

최근, 졸업이 몇 달 남지 않은 상황에, 논문 스트레스가 극심해져서 집중력이 너무 흐려지고 진도가 나가지 않는 문제가 계속 반복됐다.

꼭 해결방법을 찾아야 했다.

어떻게 하면 대부분의 시간을 연구에 집중할 수 있을까?

어떻게 하면 밀려드는 잡생각을 물리치고 연구에 집중할 수 있을까? 

무작정 윈키아 플래어에 할일들을 손으로 적고 그렸다. 

그런데 손으로 작성하는 플래너는 쓰는 맛이 분명 있지만, 한계가 있었다. 유연한 시간 계획을 세울 수 없었고 계획을 위한 계획, 즉 플래너를 작성하는 시간이 나를 먹는 것 같은 그런 느낌이었다.

구글 캘린더로 계획을 세웠다.

이것도 뭔가 허전한 느낌이 들었다. 컴퓨터로 컨트롤 하다보니 잠시만 다른 생각이 나도 그 정보를 찾아보는 나를 발견하게 됐고, 또 링크타고 흘러가서 또다른 정보를 보다 어느새 그 주제로 블로그 글을 쓰고 하루하루하루...

Offline 윈키아 플래너와 Online구글캘린더가 짬뽕이 됐다. 

이것도 저것도 아닌 더 복잡해진 그런 상황. 벌려놓은 일이 많아서일까? 아이디어가 넘치는 것일까? 계속 밀려드는 단어와 주제들을 적지 않으면 머리가 복잡해져 집중이 되지 않는데다 Inbox가 분산되서 혼란스러웠다. 응가하고 덜 닦은 딱 그느낌.

그래서, 눈 딱 감고 10년동안 경험한 플래닝 철학을 나만의 방식으로 녹여냈다.

1. 내가 추구하는 기본적인 방식은 GTD 다. 밀려드는 정보를 Inbox에 일괄수집하면서 빨리 처리해버리고 적소에 배치한다.

2. 손으로 쓰는 순발력과 스케치과정에서 나오는 창의적인 브레인스토밍도 꼭 필요하다.

3. 기록하고 분류하는 것은 에버노트를 따라올 것이 없다. (현재까지는)

4. 최고로 집중하는 방법은 Pomodoro기반으로 일하는 것. 25분 일하고 5분 쉰다.

결국 나만의 방식을 이렇게 단순화된 단어들로 정리하는데 까지 왔다.

0.수집 Gtask, 손수첩

1.액션 Pomotodo

2.리뷰 Evernote

3.계획 Google Calendar

이것을 다시 풀어서 쓰게 되면,

1. 밀려드는 생각은 즉 가까이 있는 도구에 일단 기록하고 그냥 잊어버린다. 3분내로 할 수 있다면 얼른 하고 줄긋는다.

3. 매일 저녁 그날 모인 정보들을 에버노트에 모르고 배분한다.

4. 그리고 그 다음날 계획을 구글 캘린더에 기록한다.

Pomotodo 어플 혹은 웹사이트에서 Pomodoro 방식으로 업무에 집중해서 실행한다.

완벽해보였다. 그런데 실행하는 과정에서 2% 부족했었다. 그리고 오늘 그 방법을 찾아버렸다. 내일 부터는 꽉 찬 하루를 보낼 생각에 기분이 좋아서 잠이 오지 않을 정도로 좋다.

나는 구글 캘린더를 제대로 사용하는 방법을 몰랐던 것이다.

이 깨달음을 제공해주신 화룡점정 강의를 여기 공개한다.


실제 소요시간과 실행시간이 기록된 달력 기반 방식으로 매일을 계획하라.

즉, 달력 기반 방식에 모든것을 의지한다.

달력이 당신에게 해야 할일을 말해주게 만들어라

시간을 기반으로 한 체크리스트가 필요하다!

구글 캘린더에 매일매일 시간별 체크리스트를 배분해 놓는다.

우리는 Check List를 만들지만 단순한 글자 몇줄만으로는 의미가 없다. 메모만 해 놓은 체크리스트는 잊어버리기 쉽고, 끝나지 않는 리스트에 불과하다. 리스트로만 남은 체크리스트는 곧 모두 체크하지 않을 확률이 높기 때문에 더욱 부정적인 영향을 준다.

모든 것을 캘린더에 올려 놓는다. 

그 다음 그 달력 기반으로 중요한 것이 뭔지 결정한다. 즉 달력이 말하는 것을 경청한다.

지금 인터넷 브라우저에 탭이 몇개 열려 있는지 보라.

각 탭은 우리의 두뇌의 공간을 차지한다. 그리고 그 모든 탭들을 다시 봐야한다는 의무감을 부여한다.

즉 한가지 일을 할 때는 한 개 주제의 탭만 열어 놓는다.

6가지 철칙

1. 모든 것을 달력에 표기한다.

2. 각각 이벤트가 중복되지 않게 한다.

3. 이벤트에 적힌것 기반으로 결정한다.

4. 10분전에 알람이 울리게 리마인더기능을 설정한다.

5. 매주 리뷰한다.

6. 모바일폰과 싱크한다.

굿... 바로 이거다.

내가 일부 체크리스트를 만들고 구글 캘린더에 채워넣으면서 구멍 뻥뻥 뚫린 캘린더로 시도해오던 방식을 완전 캘린더를 꽉 채운다는 컨셉으로 자기만의 로직을 만드신 것 같다.

내가 내 삶의 CEO가 아닐때의 시간낭비 유형에 대해 말하는데 흠칫했다. 이 중 몇가지에 해당하기 때문이다.

온라인에서 시간낭비하고 기분이 찜찜하다.

잠자는 시간을 항상 넘긴다.

사용하지 않을 기술을 배우는 것에 집착한다.

개인적 그리고 전문적삶에 모멘텀이 없다.

당장 실천해야겠다.

그리고 강의녹화용으로 Webinar Jan 그리고 G plus hanouts 를 사용해서 강의를 기록했다고 하는데 이거 관련 정보도 찾아봐야겠다. 기록 기록 기록.

시간이 없으신 분들을 위해 풀 스크립트!

0:00So here we go alright.

0:03My name is Phyllis Khare and today I want to show you some practical

0:07and powerful calendar based time management strategies. I know

0:11that's not a very sexy title.

0:13I tried to think of something a little pithier, but I just couldn't

0:17and by the time he had my name in a lake it doesn't fit into a tweet.

0:21I can hopefully explain exactly what this all means through the

0:26presentation. Again if you are tweeting, please use the hash tag #timeblissme

0:30and use my username and make sure you spell it correctly.

0:33Well yes let's get to it. So today

0:37you're going to learn a few things and one thing is you going to figure out

0:41how to find out which time sucking task in your day

0:46you need to stop doing right away. I can show you had to do this very easily.

0:51I'm also going to show you how to notice what things you're doing

0:56based on wishful thinking and how to stop that.

0:59I'm also going to show you how to find more free time

1:02than you knew you could. Honestly a lot of people say no way

1:06I don't have any free time I just work around-the-clock until I drop into bed.

1:10Well I used to be that way too and I'm here to tell you that you can have free

1:14time and I'm going to show you how to do that.

1:16I'm also going to show you how you can

1:20figure out which tasks in your day need to be

1:24outsourced in order to be successful and keep your momentum in your business.

1:28I'm here to tell you that I used to think I could do everything.


1:36I wish I had started outsourcing some of the things that I do my business a long

1:40time ago.

1:42But I can show you how you figure out which

1:45things are the ones you need to outsource. It's so clear when you use a

1:48calendar program

1:49I'm also going to show you today the big one

1:53which is how to feel relaxed and confident

1:57that everything is getting done.

2:00I don't know about you, but I used to go to bed at night thinking

2:03"Oh my god, oh my god, I don't know if I can

2:07remember everything I need to do." Once I started putting everything on

2:11my calendar

2:12I started to feel more relaxed and more confident. I can show you how to do that too.

2:20How do you figure out which time sucking task in your day you need

2:26to stop doing right away.

2:27I think I hear from the audience

2:31stop looking at Facebook [Laughs]

2:35But we'll get to Facebook shortly. There are some traditional ways

2:39that people have used to find out

2:42if there's something in your day that's time sucking. Those traditional ways are

2:46you keep a time journal, you write everything down

2:50that you do during the day. Then you analyze it and

2:53you could figure out what's really wasting your time.

2:56Or you could set up computer timers

3:00and you could figure out "Oh my gosh it takes me a lot longer to do something

3:04than I thought it did." Then you could analyzed that. Or

3:08you could just be really clear on your own reaction when you do something.

3:12I'm pretty sure a lot of people here are thinking "Well

3:16I know what time sucks are because I know how that feels."

3:19Okay so these are all the traditional ways

3:23of finding out if something is a time suck. But there is a different way of

3:27figuring that out

3:28and that's if you used a calendar based method.

3:31You'll find out two things when you do this process:

3:34you'll figure out

3:38that a calendar is a reality

3:41based time view. What I mean by that

3:45is it you can't pretend that something

3:49takes you 60 minutes, when in reality

3:53it takes 90 minutes, if you're

3:56using your calendar in this particular way I'm going to show you today.

3:59There's no invisible reasoning with a calendar based method.

4:05What I mean by that is you can't explain it away you can't say things like,

4:08"Well I really wasn't fully doing the work."

4:12or "I really wasn't working on my A game." and things like that.

4:15So a calendar based method is reality-based

4:19and I'll show you what that is. But sometimes I need to stop for a moment

4:23and clarify what I mean by

4:25calendar based system. Now I want you to

4:28throw out what you think when I say the word "Calendar".

4:33A lot of people think well a calendar is something that holds my appontments

4:38like the dentist

4:39or business appointment and that's it. For this I want you to try to imagine a

4:44different idea

4:46for the rest at this presentation. So whenever I say the word "Calendar"

4:51imagine more of a daily, weekly

4:55time management system,

4:58a space where everything,

5:02everything in your life is notated

5:06on a specific time just like you see in this image here.

5:11Now going back to finding out if something is the big black hole of time

5:16suck for you,

5:17there are some warning signs. There are some

5:20big warning signs. If you feel bad

5:24after spending time online, yeah I can guarantee you

5:28a lot of that was just time suck. Because

5:31you feel bad after spending time looking at a screen and there's something in

5:35there that's sucking the time and

5:36energy out of you. If you're way up past your bedtime,

5:40it's 2 o'clock in the morning and you're still on Pinterest

5:44then this is a big warning sign for you.

5:47If you start finding that people get mad at you for the

5:51weirdest little things

5:52day and I can guarantee that you're staring at a screen too much

5:56and that is sucking the productive time out of you.

5:59Another warning sign is if you're Pay

6:03to Time ratio is way off. What I mean by that

6:07is that if you're getting paid for a $15 dollars an hour to do something

6:12but you really end up doing 3 hours

6:15up for that particular task, because of all the

6:19craziness that goes on with doing that task. If your Pay to Time ratio is way

6:24off, there's something in there that sucking out your time and we need to

6:28address it.

6:29Also if you're spending a tremendous amount of your time

6:32learning skills that you'll never ever

6:36really practically use.

6:39Those of you who this might ring a bell with you if you're into that kind of

6:43person where you love to learn how to do stuff,

6:47but it's sucking up all you productive time, then this is a big warning sign for you.

6:52Also if you are staring at a screen for more than...

6:56really if you're staring at a screen and... I'm including your

7:00mobile screen and this total if you're staring at a screen for more than 6

7:04hours a day,

7:05then there's something that is eating up your time and you're not being productive.

7:09That's why this calendar is going to be so important to you.

7:13Also if you're seeing that you have no momentum in your personal and

7:17professional life,

7:19seriously that means that something is happening in your time

7:24and hopefully this calendar system will help you out.

7:27I'd like to know how many of you just flipped off a few of those. I'm

7:32going to try and take a look at the chat

7:34here to see did anybody a click off any of these warning signs?

7:39That sure did great..

7:43yes yes and yes thank you for everyone for

7:48figuring out your own tech there to make sure things work.

7:51But did anybody click off any of these things because

7:55I'm sure that I'm not the only person

7:58who's had these problems in life.

8:03yeah I know I know it's so hard

8:06Okay so this is what I'm going to show you right now.

8:09I'm going to show you this. Now a

8:12calendar based method

8:15is if you set up a

8:18reasonable amount of time on

8:22your calendar to do something.

8:25Now remember we're not talking about dentist appointments and things like

8:28that right now. We're talking about

8:30a time block where you're going to do a particular task.

8:35So if you put on your calendar a reasonable amount of time

8:39for that task and how that task will help

8:43that you're getting paid for that task for that amount of time.

8:47But then what happens is that

8:50if you spend longer than that time, the cool thing about a calender is you can

8:54adjust these blocks on a calendar and make them bigger

8:59are smaller. So your

9:02block of time that you're doing something you expanded

9:06to match the actual amount of time that you did.

9:11You notice this is an unreasonable man amount of time for the task

9:15and this is a really big heads-up for you.

9:18You really really really need to do the math on this.

9:23If you are putting on your calendar

9:26to do something and it takes a couple hours to do

9:29in your mind, but the actual amount of time doesn't match that,

9:33then the reality is

9:36disconnected. Now the cool thing is

9:39is that your calendar will teach you how long something will take to do,

9:45okay? So if you put a reasonable amount of time in here

9:50and then it takes you twice that amount

9:53then you know through time when you bid for some sort of task that you're doing,

9:58if you have clients,

9:59or if you're just doing a task in your work,

10:03then you know that now you need to set aside a reasonable amount of time

10:07that matches the reality. I hope that makes sense to everybody.

10:11So for example in a calendar based method if you have

10:15this reasonable amount of time to do the task,

10:19but then you have this

10:22researching how to do the task

10:26but you don't know notate it on your calendar?

10:29What you'll begin to find is on your calendar

10:33you will start to book things too close to one another

10:36because he didn't place in your calendar the time it takes to research.

10:41Or the time it takes to learn something.

10:44So going back to this calendar system

10:48as you start to put things on a calendar, which I'm going to show you a

10:53little more of how do that in just a moment,

10:55You'll start to find that these blocks might be bigger

10:59then you think they should be at first. So you

11:02always have to do the math. "Math!" that's my t-shirt of the day.

11:07Another think that you need to do is

11:10you need to find out...

11:14Let's let's just say it this way,

11:19if you organize your calendar

11:23with all the tasks you need to do in a week

11:27everything like all the tasks you need to do in a week, just like you see

11:30in this image here

11:31where I've set aside blocks have time to do something. But then you start to

11:35notice something interesting.

11:37The cool thing about especially Google calendars is you can move

11:41things you can drag and drop things on your calendar interface.

11:45If you find yourself moving something from let's say Tuesday

11:49you moved to Friday, then there's this little thing on Wednesday that you

11:53don't do, you move that to Friday too.

11:55You have this other little tiny thing you moved that to Friday.

12:00Then what happens you end up with this look and it's kind of crazy Friday

12:04from hell the looks like this

12:06where there is no breathing room, there's no space, everything is back to back to back

12:11to back to back, there's so much to do.

12:13Has anybody ever had that experience? where you

12:16move everything down, move everything down, move everything down. I'll do it on Friday..

12:22So the interesting thing about that

12:25is your calendar will tell you

12:29which of these things you really really really need to

12:34outsource, or give to someone else or just stop doing.

12:37Because if you continually move them down on your calendar,

12:42this is a big conversation your calendar is happening with you.

12:46it's a "Okay. Why are you avoiding this?" Or

12:50"Why are you moving this?" You might say "Well it's because I don't know

12:54how to do it."

12:55Or you might say "I don't have the time."

12:59Or "This is going to take longer than I'd set aside." Or

13:02"I don't really want to do it." I mean all of these things

13:06are things that your calendar will tell you,

13:09but you have to put everything on the calendar first.

13:12That's the whole point is if your calendar is full

13:17of the things that you're doing and then you find out which ones are moving,

13:23then the calendar will tell you which of those things are

13:26wishful thinking on your part.

13:28That's why I say a calendar system is a

13:32reality based system.

13:35The thing is about that is you have to use the calendar in this way, that you

13:39have to actually put things

13:41on the calendar. Now the calendar will talk to you

13:45and here's the thing, I had a friend of mine and I told him a few of these

13:50points I'm telling you today. I want to take a moment to take a

13:53break and have you read

13:55what he said about it.

14:06So I hope you're reading that and I'm going to read it back in case for some

14:10reason someone can't see it or they're just listening to this

14:13in audio version. But here's the quote,

14:17"My time tracking and calendar blocking is on hyperdrive

14:21and I am so much more productive. And more importantly

14:25I see where I need to say no, I see where I need to raise rates

14:29to afford to have more free time, I see where I need to delegate more.

14:34I tell me seriously, this is one of those moments in my career that

14:38I will remember as one of the most pivotal."

14:41That's from Jason Wiser and he's a good buddy of mine.

14:45See that's the thing, he just took these couple of little things about


14:50everything on his calendar in time blocks.

14:54He started to notice things and he noticed things very quickly

14:58because the calendar again as reality-based.

15:02Notice that there are some

15:06open spaces on this particular calendar image.

15:09Now I would tell you I used to have 0

15:12open spaces in my life. I mean

15:16I was stressed and I seriously

15:19I talked about it all the time, I talked about giving it up and giving up

15:23writing the books and the teaching and I wanted to go buy a banana farm in Costa Rica.

15:29Well, I still want to do that. [Laughs]

15:32But time was not my

15:35friend. Seriously it was not my friend

15:38I kept saying things "I don't have enough time"

15:41that "Time is not on my side", "Time is running out"

15:45I mean those were the things I was saying to time.

15:48Let's be really clear here about this,

15:51I fully,

15:55fully and firmly have a deep understanding

15:59that everyone is the CEO of their own life.

16:03If you believe that your particular situation

16:06is someone else's fault or is

16:10time's fault, then I want you to especially listen through the next three slides, because

16:15I know without a doubt that you can turn this around

16:19because I did and I have free time now and it's really freaky weird to have

16:23free time and still get everything done.

16:26I have to tell you for someone like me

16:30who filled up space

16:33all the time with lots of things to do,

16:37it can be really weird to have free time.

16:41So let's talk about that for just a minute.

16:44Now a lot of people say that

16:47if I have free time I'm going to the beach, I'm going to chill,

16:52I'm going to read a

16:54book. But when they get that free time, what happens

16:58is that they do this. They work, they work and they work and they work

17:03and they build it. They're working the it, right?

17:06and I am positive the reason people spend their

17:10free time working more instead of hanging out at the beach,

17:14is because they're afraid. They believe they need to keep throwing balls up in the


17:19or everything will come crashing down and they are. I don't use this word

17:24lightly, addicted to the drug called

17:28"Got to do it. I got to do this.

17:31I got to do that. I got to.. got to.. got to.. got more." for a hundred different reasons

17:36Somehow people have become drugged by this physical chemistry being revved up,

17:42this adrenaline-fueled business building. I bet

17:45there are some people out there who can relate.

17:49I bet if you say it in the chatroom

17:53there will be people. Now there are also

17:57people who when they get free time..

18:00the whole reason I'm talking about the free-time is that when you start

18:03using a

18:04calendar based system and you start getting the very efficient and organized in

18:09what you do, you

18:10you will get free time. For some of you,

18:13you don't know what to do with it.

18:16Every time I got free time I would spin out of control because

18:21"Oh my gosh, I could go to a movie,

18:24cook a dinner or I can go for a walk." There were so many possibilities.

18:29But what happens a lot of time with people like me

18:32is there's so many possibilities that

18:35you shut down and end up on the sofa

18:38binge-watching some TV show, right?

18:41So this is the thing about a calendar system,

18:45if you have trouble dealing with free time

18:50then you can fix this with the calendar system.

18:53So the way you did this is you create a time block on your calendar

18:59that's called "Free time" and you put it

19:02where you end up having some space in your day.

19:07Inside the description area you actually list

19:11all this cool things that you keep telling yourself you're going to do if you

19:15ever get free time:

19:17like walk 2 miles, bike 2 miles, read that book on Kindle, do a spa time,

19:23or whatever, you put your list in that description.

19:27Then this is the most important part

19:31when you get to that time lock on your calendar

19:34and you open it up you have to be

19:37willing and I'm going to say that word again willing,

19:41to do the next thing on the list. Now I know some of you are thinking

19:46"I have no problem with free-time.

19:48If I get free time, I'm totally okay with what I can do."

19:52Well some of us do have a problem with free time

19:55and this calendar based solution will help people like me tremendously.

19:59So how do you get all this free time? Well most people start with the checklist

20:04and I'm going to have a day here with the checklist. So

20:08how many people out there is still using a checklist, a daily checklist?

20:13You can put that in the chat.

20:16I'm a fan of the checklist, but

20:20the checklist to me is only step 1.

20:24If you stay with just a checklist

20:28I tell you there's so many problems with this and there's so many things you

20:32can do in step 2

20:34that will make a checklist work for you. Now here's the thing

20:38the problem with the checklist, the checklist has several problems.

20:43One is that it's generally a never-ending list.

20:47I like to call it little bunny rabbits because the more you put on the list, the more you think of to put on the list.

20:53If you sit down, seriously you could

20:57have this list go on until you decide to put the pen down.

21:02It's a never-ending list, but here's the thing

21:05one of the biggest problems with the checklist is the frustration for not

21:09completing everything on the list,

21:12right? So you work all freaking day

21:15and you get a check of 2 things. Now for those of you

21:18in a work environment where this is part of your job and there are things you need

21:22to do and you're just working off a task list

21:26I have to tell you what you need to do take this to step 2,

21:30instead of just keeping things on a task list.

21:33It's so frustrating to not get everything done.

21:37But this is the weird thing, the checklist

21:41is not based in time reality

21:44and that's because the things on your list might

21:48actually take days or weeks to complete.

21:52But because it's on just this one tiny little line,

21:55it looks like it should take an equal amount of time

21:58as the thing before it and after it, right? They are

22:02equal in their value but not in reality.

22:05That's a big problem with the checklist.

22:09The other thing this a problem with the check is it's a random list.

22:12It's whatever your brain throws out there that you need to do.

22:16Then you have to go back and prioritize it,

22:19you have to sort through it, you have to move it and it's a lot of work

22:23working with the checklist.

22:24That's again a very big problem. Here's a big one for me.

22:28I'm sure other people have this, that it's

22:31easy to ignore this checklist or forget it,

22:35only to find it 2 days later and realize that

22:39nothing on that list was completed.

22:42I'm positive I'm not the only one in this category

22:46Here's the thing, step 1:

22:50if you're still making a checklist, is to make the list.

22:53Step 2 is you take this checklist

22:57and now you're going to put it physically

23:01on a calendar. You're going to take each one of those lines

23:06on that checklist and physically put it on

23:09an actual time

23:12during the day. Now a lot of times when people

23:16do this they take their checklist and they put it on a physical time

23:20during the day, it's a big fat reality check.

23:24Because honestly if you do this and you put

23:27everything on your checklist, you will find

23:30that it does not fit into one day.

23:35You would have to be working till midnight sometimes to get things done on

23:39that checklist.

23:40So than you think "Okay well I can move this over to the next day, move this over

23:45to the next day, move this over to next week."

23:48That's the cool part about the calendar based thing is you put

23:53everything in

23:54and then you have this big reality check there's not

23:57enough physical time in my day to do everything on the list.

24:01So where do I move this stuff?

24:05if you do that you'll start to see how the checklist is really only

24:10Step 1.

24:12Now I have to tell you I am fully a member

24:16of the superwoman club and I

24:19think about this now, I truly used to think I could do everything

24:23in a day, somehow bending time to my will

24:26that was like my superpower, but

24:30if I did that and I really pushed myself by God I am going to check all those

24:35stupid things off.

24:36I was more stressed than ever and I was not very good CEO of my

24:41own life by doing that process.

24:44So what do you do then? Well there's really

24:47really no magic to this. To get more free time

24:51you need to put everything on your calendar

24:54and I mean everything. That's

24:57a first step, right? You need to see what you've created for yourself.

25:02You need to have that reality check session with yourself

25:05and see what you've done here. You need to decide which things are important and

25:10which things are not.

25:11There are ways to do that by watching your calendar and seeing how it talks to you.

25:16You can listen to your calendar and is it telling you you've taken on too many


25:22If you're working at an office and people have given you lots of project to do

25:27and it's just on a task list, it might seem as if

25:31you could complete those pretty quickly. But if you take those things on your list

25:35and put them on the calendar with the correct amount of

25:40time it's going to take to complete that task,

25:43then you'll notice that the checklist could take months to complete.

25:48So if you're a solo entrepreneur

25:51and you've taken on 15 clients and you have to do

25:55all their Facebook postings, Twitter, LinkedIn and all their


25:59and you start to put the amount of time that it actually takes to do that

26:03on your calendar, you might find that you've got 5 , 10, 15

26:07too many clients. Or else

26:10you're going to have to develop your own team, it'll become very clear when you

26:15use this calendar based system.

26:18Have you taken on tasks you're not skilled to do? Yeah,

26:21when you put everything on our calendar, you start moving things over. "I'm not

26:25doing that till Friday." Like I said you end up with

26:28that Friday from hell,

26:29it becomes very clear that you need to outsource that.

26:34The calendar absolutely tells you

26:38that. Now I want everybody to take a deep breath right now

26:43because I'm going to talk about something that might

26:47get people a little upset, but here we go.

26:51I want everyone to count your open tabs right now.

26:55Yes you, count how many open browser tabs you have right now.

27:00It might take a minute, but go ahead and count them out.

27:05I wanted to count them out because we're going to go through this

27:08exercise, okay? and I want you to think about this

27:12every tabby you open needs a little bit if your brain

27:19to remember why it's there in the first place

27:23so if you open were man into and then three taps like that

27:28in there are three bit to be your mental capacity

27:31it's now on dedicated to remembering about goes to reach your app's

27:36it's sort of like a background system running

27:39seriously it's like a bad ground system and it's not necessarily conscious but

27:44you know sort of that deeper unconscious surnames subconscious layer

27:48oh I have all these tabs I have to do this I have to do this I have to do this


27:52to get this said now you've got

27:55I love this brain dedication to this

27:59so every open tab hold a little bit

28:02your brain hostage until the cabins

28:06you can K

28:09so when I talk to people about time management

28:12where the big things for me isn't that

28:16time also has to include

28:19how you're managing your tabs up on your browser

28:24everybody have a number DF numbers I CEO

28:27only 16 huh and I know

28:30okay well I'm going to keep your number in mind here's what we go here

28:34alright count your open tabs

28:38sure you're ready you have 1 through 5

28:41then I consider you still focused

28:44on a singular project and that

28:47things are finding your tab world in your okay

28:50that you have six to 10 tabs open the your brain is starting to slide in this

28:56turning to dedicate more space to keeping these tabs open

28:59which will cut down your productivity and which will increase your stress

29:04K. If you have 11 to 20

29:07open, honestly this is really too many is too many

29:10it will take up too much of your brain to remember what's going on there.

29:1421 to 30: oh my gosh!

29:18Okay if you have 21 to 30 has you bring to you right now,

29:22I can tell you right now if you have 21 to 30 tabs open

29:26you were feeling overwhelmed I can /url this guarantee it.

29:30All right and if you have over 30: oh my gosh!

29:33seriously you just need to close that go home seriously

29:37disclosed that a now here's here's a day

29:42about these open tabs okay is a really

29:46easy solution to this and i know i love you start net

29:49let's turn to close a marina but it's really easy solution to this

29:52if you using a calendar bassist am and the solution

29:55is that if you let your calendar guy jerk activity

30:00in the only tabs ok then are there once it have to do with the task at hand

30:07and when the task in block is over he discloses caps

30:12right so if you have a Taser block a

30:15doing a particular project it involves

30:18let's just say here on Facebook could speed on LinkedIn

30:22just for an example then does taps to the open

30:25and then you do that process and then you can just go ahead and

30:29the in that time by close is now

30:32now what happens is downloaded times people will be doing the project

30:37and they've got Facebook Linkedin and HootSuite open and then they can it get


30:42and then what happens is it they start looking to do it

30:46video in this article in its that may go down the rabbit hole

30:49and they don't stay focused so if you watch the number of tabs in your browser

30:54and you

30:55you realize what this means now you'll start to notice sooner

30:59the is starting to turn set to turn away

31:02and so that's why does it is Tam process because it will stop

31:06an activity all-star a habitual way

31:10doing things online it is sexy your time

31:14so but you have to do this you let your calendar guide directivity in the

31:18only taps up there are the ones that have to do with the task at hand

31:22and I'm telling you if you do this the brain

31:25overwhelm will immediately like not

31:28immediately like not like denounced speaking after tad

31:34we want to talk about these two things here

31:37Facebook and email now here's the deal

31:42a lot of people have facebook in the email open all the time

31:46and the only reason you should have facebook open all the time

31:50is if you have clients in need to manage their accounts on Facebook but

31:53even with that you really need to have alerts and notifications set up for that

31:58and not necessarily have Facebook physically

32:02ok then all the time just just close it

32:05just consider and I'm not gonna die deep in the email because I think there's

32:10some really wonderful programs and strategies out there for managing your


32:14and in general what you need to have a system in place that works for your

32:18particular situations

32:19and I know that some people day only check the email three times a day

32:24and I highly recommend that first thing in the morning

32:27at lunch and then in the afternoon after about three thirty four clutch

32:32and I bet you know there's some people email like in the middle of the day

32:36and you don't ever hear back from them until after 3:30

32:40and you'll know that that's why because it could in

32:43email system into place to help manage the

32:47overwhelm and I highly recommend least doing

32:50that so just close at hand and only open it

32:54during those three time slots now

32:57you know I've been talking about you know this time system management program

33:01they've been

33:02on working on and they're just six rules

33:05for managing your time inside at the calendar and you can do this right now

33:09whether or not you

33:10get you know become a member outside my career not just did the six rules

33:14okay number one could and everything on the calendar

33:18everything just everything gets picked each other way to do that in the latter

33:22cases but to start putting everything on calendar

33:25and then here's the real number two no overlapping

33:29if you put something down don't schedule something that a relapse it

33:34you have to look at your calendar and find it empty space to

33:37hold that think and be realistic about the time

33:42again it to you put something on your calendar the takes three hours

33:47and then you have something else it takes three hours but you only have 5

33:51hours to do these two projects the need to think about

33:54because you do rule number two

33:58in it goes into six hours you're done

34:01plus a new word you're over an hour so it's a big wake-up call when you

34:05take on business and then see that you don't have the time to do it

34:09so again the reading on the calendar know everything

34:12and then the third row is you can't decide if you're going to have

34:16blocks of time are individual that

34:20and when I mean by that is let's say you have 3d people you have to call

34:24right you can either put in a block the time that says

34:28on right time to call these people

34:31in inside the description area but the name to the phone numbers at the people

34:35you're going to call

34:36that would be at time block or you can put

34:39their name in their phone number as in individual

34:42Advent on the calendar now in this case

34:47depending on your particular situation you might choose one of these options

34:52on the nice thing about the individual event

34:55is if you don't reach when it is people you can just

34:58drag added it to the next day in Trenton again

35:02so that's something to think about either a block

35:06for individual it and then always set a reminder this is a key ingredient to my

35:11particular system

35:12is setting at reminder I have a 10 minute reminder

35:15before each new block in my calendar starts

35:19and that sort of like lose me into I'll shoot well

35:22obviously did not organized enough time for this were

35:26you know up in nineteen completeness in 10 minutes because my next thing starts

35:31arm I know that there's some pretty high level CEO's its and pretty in major


35:36his views a counter Bay system and Bay

35:40always put in a half an hour buffer time between

35:43everything that they do and their reasons for that is it things

35:47Red Rover little bit external early but group no

35:51be like that but for time to let things sink

35:55Ian from the last thing that they attended

35:59said you might want to think about is you organize your time

36:02is not just put things back to back to back to back is to you

36:06and there's a buffer times where there's nothing on your calendar

36:10and then the other a rule in my system is to do a weekly review

36:14how me and my sister doing this things really start to change

36:18because is your day working to your week you might be adding things to your

36:22calendar for next weekend then

36:24it on Sunday night you sit down and just review your calendar for the upcoming


36:29six in the place where there's overlaps delete things that really don't need to

36:33be done

36:34rearrange things according to when your brain works better

36:38and you certainly make everything nice in the in organized I tell you

36:42your sleep good on Sunday night because then things are

36:45several know things have a place to get done

36:50and as long as you do the things your calendar tells you to do

36:54at the time you want to do date you can't feel

36:58relaxed because in three things going it done

37:01and it's so nice to be able to just let on thank you now

37:06knowing that your calendar has your back and really that's

37:10the six rules like that and this

37:13this system then I had is call time bliss

37:16dot me using Google calendars and I developed this starting back

37:21in 2010 when I really thought I was going crazy

37:25and I needed to develop this and this is how it evolved in this is what it is now

37:30and there are some wonderful things and I in this program I just can't take a

37:35few minutes and explain how it works

37:37desist enhance so remain categories

37:41there's where and teach you how to use assist and in all the calendar skills &

37:47how to expand things and the cool thing is is stated

37:50in this particular section I even show you how to take

37:55in mind map know I know I didn't mention my maps in the air but I do in this


38:00and that is it a lot of people instead of a check list eight think

38:03in terms of my nap in a sure out these incredible flow charts it's how things


38:10well that's great but that again I consider a step 1

38:14and says step to you is actually put their on a calendar said the

38:18everything gets done in the way that you want to get done

38:22in time and that you can again not be stressed about it

38:26in fact my entire system

38:29and creating this product I use dist

38:33particular process so I show you how to do that to take something from a mind


38:37and place it on the calendar and that's in this particular program

38:41and then the other thing that I have is dis on

38:45view where I turn on their screen sharing you just watch me do things that

38:50how I do things in my personal calendar so you see me do a weekly review

38:54you see all the things I do with my email that put things on the calendar

38:58you'll see me notice patterns that I know I have about myself

39:03and how that works and so I

39:06I definitely on like to show that when

39:10because i think is learn more when you do it that way and also

39:14the morning teaches system the more I realized that dined really needed the

39:18coaching session

39:19I really need to have in

39:22that firm you know really important part in it

39:27because the thing is is that people say oh yeah put things on the calendar when

39:31I noticed is that they would start to do it in eight hits some kind of resistance

39:35and so I decided put in the coaching aspect to this program

39:39but when people hit those blocks and when you need is boxed

39:43you know all the sudden the counter programming is like on errand run to do

39:47that anymore

39:48because here running into something on

39:51it might be a subtle form of procrastination

39:54it might be so. for have not valuing your

39:58own on ability to manage your own life there's

40:02all sorts of things that go into this this part I have

40:05this system the coaching part and so it's in these little

40:109 a little blocks in everything's in there and the cooking about this program

40:13is that I have

40:15on the cutting part 2 like this little audio podcast that can really cool I


40:20I'm really enjoy doing them in their confronts and then the rest the program

40:23is all about

40:25video and video tutorials and

40:28arm said there's a really easy to do they start here and if you click

40:32any of these videos they pop open to lightbox you can

40:36see this and you can if you took full screen on your computer or on your phone

40:39which Israel chemical

40:41and then each section firm has and members

40:44only on comment section for tuning

40:48so there's no need for like a Facebook group for GPS community it's all

40:52self-contained right inside the system

40:56so here's a cool thing and I know I've been talking so much I want to answer

41:00questions and so let me just get through this last

41:02I think here and then I'll go back and answer questions for you

41:06and that is it that the whole time list system using Google Calendar

41:10ok very important point I he is

41:13I created the system using Google Calendar because honestly I'm

41:16its kinda Google thing girl now you can use this system

41:20with in a calendar system as long as it has the function said I talk about in

41:25this program

41:26you will have to do a little translating if you're not using Google Calendar

41:31but it can be done so don't feel like the Google Calendar bit

41:36are should hold you up I'm you can ask those questions inside the group I can

41:40help you

41:41help you through all that but just a review are timeless

41:45got me are has a lifetime access I'm not closing this up after Monti that

41:49lifetime access to this

41:51and even if I double and triple the amount content in there you still get

41:56I love that also debt this is

41:59has membership only conversation inside so if you have

42:03you not think you wanna keep private inside this crypt you're very welcome to

42:07do that

42:08also you have full access to everything right away

42:11I'm not dripping anything out everything is right there ready for you to go

42:15I have a 30-day money-back guarantee and

42:19perhaps things in you have the potential to change your life

42:22truly potential change your life if you're willing to take this step with me

42:27so it's really very cool

42:29I have it set 147 and

42:32on this page somewhere there should be a big button that says you know let's get


42:37I'm really hope you decide to get started and the EU

42:41on fully engage in becoming CEO of your own life

42:46so yeah I got done in 45 minutes so let's take some questions and

42:51since yes and the replay to see you know people irk West asking about the replay

42:55as soon as I close this up to replace available that's the cool thing about


43:00and if you want to know the system, I'm using I'm using the webinar Jan

43:04but webinar Jan uses G Plus hangouts so

43:07that's why the replay is available right away

43:11said there you go alright so

43:14let's let's let's look and see if I have any questions

43:19if you ask a question like a while ago and I didn't answer can you just re

43:24ask it and that way it'll put it at the top at the chat

43:27and then I can answer it alright so let's see

43:32yes on its okay replace going to be available as soon as I cuz it's up

43:36and also on

43:40you will find pretty much my entire presentation

43:44i win in their last night and put my almost my entire presentation on their

43:48so you can go through it not text-based if you like to beat

43:52stand there you go r8 any questions here

43:57alright are

44:01Nazi set aside time

44:04after the meeting to work on the meeting action items were gone

44:07oh yeah you know it's really very interesting how

44:10hey maybe I should ask this question here how many people here

44:16are solo entrepreneurs and how many people are here because they work in an

44:20office in their part of the team

44:22you can either put some lower team in the chat now can get an idea

44:28on a good question how specific should we get

44:32sometimes until they got my calendar that's a very good question

44:36and they're cheap things you can do with that in the title

44:39and just everybody understands the vocabulary

44:42on Google Calendar when you put something on the calendar the college an


44:47alright so that it's not like you know a birthday

44:50event it's just that's the term the years so when you put an event on your


44:55on the title you have

44:58room to put as much as you want sent you can put

45:02you now in the sentences 3456 sentences in the title

45:07especially if that time block is more than

45:10our and then of it text will show up on the calendar

45:15or you can title it on things

45:19you know very generic in the description you add all of that information

45:24on you have to come to know how your brain works in how you want to customize

45:28your character that way

45:31alright what else do we have here does it hurt you

45:35also use a time tracking tool well if you use your calendar

45:40and you happy pounder up and to you

45:44are on adjusting your calendar

45:47as you do something dan your calendar and it is a timer

45:52so for example if I have on my calendar

45:55a one hour block to do something and

45:58and arm I have I I do the thing

46:02and whatever it is the task it is and I go to the calendar and I noticed that

46:07it's a half an hour passed the time and then I had scheduled for each

46:10all you have to do is cool that little

46:13am box the block event lock down to match

46:18the amount any actually took and if you have time reset

46:22you will you will find that your next event

46:27watch you you into how much time you take each anyway there is a way to use a


46:31as your timer hope that a answers that

46:36and let's say seller summer team for work solo solo

46:40team yeah I see everybody there that's great

46:44said let's see if I can find any other questions I can answer real quick

46:49how do you deal with people saying you on business email topic city don't

46:54really need to see each

46:56this is a big time set for me in reading emails that do not require

46:59include our response for me and these represent fifty percent by

47:04emails actually it's a very interesting thing that on

47:07a lot of people who work with the team day stop

47:11you seeing email for their team and they'll use something like asana

47:15or on tell you something like start i think is what it is

47:19Michael Hyatt just dad blog post about it

47:22and so what happens in and Michael do post you can go look it up

47:26he said that he did a little on research and that

47:29eighty-five percent of his email was from his team

47:33and so he took all love that conversation inside a sister

47:38and I think it was called star could remember correctly

47:41you can go look it up on his blockbuster maybe somebody can find it real quick

47:45and so what that does is it frees up your email and then that way

47:48you can go into your system and see which things you actually need to look


47:54also your team needs to know how to use CC properly

47:58and also in the subject line hurt

48:01who needs to respond so for example

48:05if you have a team email and in the subject line you have

48:09arm next project list

48:12on dash on Sally Jo and

48:17stand need to reply all right said that

48:20it's very clear in the subject line who really needs to see that

48:24a lot of people use that kinda system in there email hope that helps.

48:28All right let's see what else do we have here, any other questions?

48:35great great well everybody

48:39really and truly I can't talk about this

48:42for effort on but the time is

48:46helped and I really need to on

48:49closes up and take a break

48:52and I hope you got something I know this and that you can start using some of

48:56these tips right away

48:57If you're ready to go ahead and

49:00start the program you should see it right there which is timeless using

49:05Google calendars get started at the bottom of this

49:08chat box if you don't you can just go to and read through it

49:13and click the red button to get started and as always.

49:16I am totally available to anyone on any social account

49:21on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, anywhere,

49:24just go ahead and ask your question and I'm very happy to help!

49:28Thank you very much for attending! 

ps. 혹시 이 글이 유용하셨다면

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